Monday, February 28, 2011
Keydex: The Ugliest iPad ?Keyboard? Ever?
Gadget Lab Podcast: Motorola Xoom, iPad 2, Intel?s Thunderbolt
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This week’s Gadget Lab podcast zooms in on the Motorola Xoom tablet, the upcoming iPad 2 and Intel’s new Thunderbolt connectivity standard.
The Motorola Xoom is a neat piece of hardware. It’s got a 10.1-inch screen (slightly bigger than the 9.7-inch iPad), front- and [...]
AppBoy Releases A Check-in SDK For iOS Apps

Windows Phone's new UI and Xbox games are most exciting aspects of Microsoft deal, says Nokia poll
Windows Phone's new UI and Xbox games are most exciting aspects of Microsoft deal, says Nokia poll originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 26 Feb 2011 09:27:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Beleaguered Huawei encourages US government to investigate it, quotes two presidents in the process

The gist of the letter is that Huawei is owned by its employees, not the Chinese government, its loans are commercial, its products are continually audited by third-party companies for security, and the tax breaks it gets from the government are consistent with what private corporations in other countries receive. Huawei also manages to quote both Obama and Lincoln in the letter -- just to make sure it has both Democrats and Republicans covered, we suppose -- and concludes by saying it believes that "any thorough government investigation will prove that Huawei is a normal commercial institution and nothing more." Sounds like a challenge to us.
Beleaguered Huawei encourages US government to investigate it, quotes two presidents in the process originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 28 Feb 2011 07:36:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

What ?The Social Network? Won (Three Awards, But Not Best Picture) #Oscars

Nintendo 3DS launches in Japan, populace tears through initial 400,000 unit shipment
Update: Our friends at Engadget Japanese were on hand for the 3DS launch, and picked up a pair of systems themselves -- get a closer look at one of the first retail 3DS units in the gallery below!
Nintendo 3DS launches in Japan, populace tears through initial 400,000 unit shipment originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 26 Feb 2011 21:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

3D-Print Yourself With Kinect
Presented at the Tangible, Embedded [...]
Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread comes to Nexus One with WebM, disables Facebook contact sync
The update has also put the kibosh on Facebook for Android's built-in contact sync. Previously, Google had allowed Facebook to leave users' contact data in the cloud and access them on demand. With the Android 2.3.3 update, Google seems to be sticking to its guns that contact data needs to be synced to the phone using Google's approved methods. That way, even if you uninstall the Facebook app, you'd still have access to your friends' contact info like email addresses and phone numbers.
Right now, this change only affects owners of the Nexus S and other "lead devices," as was explained to Engadget. Google's official statement on the change is after the break.
Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread comes to Nexus One with WebM, disables Facebook contact sync originally appeared on Download Squad on Wed, 23 Feb 2011 08:15:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
HTC Incredible S, Desire HD, Desire Z and original Desire will all be eating Gingerbread by the end of June
[Thanks, Johannes]
HTC Incredible S, Desire HD, Desire Z and original Desire will all be eating Gingerbread by the end of June originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 27 Feb 2011 08:57:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Store Your Data in Retro Style
OCZ's consumer-grade Vertex 3 SSD gets benched, SandForce SF-2281 helps it spank competition
Read - AnandTech
Read - Hot Hardware
Read - Legit Reviews
Read - PC Perspective
Read - Storage Review
OCZ's consumer-grade Vertex 3 SSD gets benched, SandForce SF-2281 helps it spank competition originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 27 Feb 2011 15:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Switched On: Back from the Mac
Last week's Switched On discussed Nokia's quest to help Microsoft create a third mobile ecosystem alongside those of Apple and Google. That word - ecosystem - has clearly passed into the pantheon of buzzwords, leveraging many synergies from purpose-built paradigms. And yet, building and maintaining ecosystems is something few companies really understand. True technology ecosystems are more than just successful platforms or throwing many products together simply because they are owned by the same company. They are characterized by strategically implemented nurturing.
One concept that Apple seems to have adapted from natural ecosystems is the concept of the water cycle you probably learned about in grade school. Apple turns up the heat on the life-sustaining water of innovation that passes between the well-grounded Mac market and the soaring growth of the iOS market. Apple alluded to this cycle in its Back to the Mac event. After inheriting many technologies from Mac OS X, iOS began offering Mac OS X launch screens, full-screen apps, app resuming, and document autosaving. This week's announcements, though, show that the cycle may soon be heading again in the other direction as Apple showed off two Mac technologies that may well wind up strengthening the iOS ecosystem.
Continue reading Switched On: Back from the Mac
Switched On: Back from the Mac originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 27 Feb 2011 22:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalink | | Email this | CommentsMan in Gap is an addictive, simple Time Waster
Basically, each level is composed of a ceiling and a floor, which snap together quite suddenly. As can be expected, when that happens and you're caught in-between, you're squished to a very thin line of pixels. Not so good.
What makes it even worse is that the ceiling and the floor mostly interlock: They're like two pieces in a zipper, and where the ceiling has a "peak" the floor usually has a "valley" that meshes with it. You can see what I mean if you look at the jagged line in the screenshot - that's the contour of the floor and ceiling.
Lucky for you, there are one or two places in each level where the ceiling doesn't quite meet the floor. Your job is to quickly find those places (with your eyes only) and get to them before the level snaps shut. It takes about two-three seconds every time, so it's very fast. And every level has a different terrain, so you never get used to it.
Zero plot, minimal controls, and tons of fun. Really addictive, at least for me. I love the soundtrack, too - it's a nice guitar track with some hardcore distortion.
Man in Gap is an addictive, simple Time Waster originally appeared on Download Squad on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Download every Sports Illustrated 2011 Swimsuit photo with a simple Perl script
Like last year, the script doesn't only download the final, glossy-magazine-destined photos. There's tons of behind-the-scenes stuff, and lots of shots that simply didn't make the final cut. Last year there were around 1200 photos to download -- we're still running this year's downloader, but it looks like there could be even more!
Linux users, you'll be able to simply download the script, chmod +x, and run. Windows users will need a copy of wget and a Perl distro, such as ActivePerl. Mac users can use the Xcode Developer Tools.
Alternatively, be a cool kid and run Ubuntu in VirtualBox!
Download every Sports Illustrated 2011 Swimsuit photo with a simple Perl script originally appeared on Download Squad on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 06:20:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Just How Likable Is Each Angry Bird Anyway? [Image Cache]

Twitter overhauls its Translation Center, adds Turkish, Indonesian and Russian

Translating phrases earns you experience points, and ultimately yields level-ups. You don't actually get anything by leveling up -- you just end up at the top of a feel-good leader board. If you're an active translator, though, you do get a badge on your profile page -- and as we all know, except for having wheelbarrows of cash, badges are the single most important metric of social status.
To get started, head on over to the Twitter Translation Center and connect it to your Twitter account. You can choose from a bunch of languages, and your translation services aren't limited to just the website: you can translate the mobile website and iPhone and Android apps, too.
Twitter overhauls its Translation Center, adds Turkish, Indonesian and Russian originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 15 Feb 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Readability pulled from App Store, calls out Apple for its greed

Readability is an odd target, especially considering Apple liked the script enough to build it into its Web browser as Safari Reader. Nevertheless, rules are rules, and Apple helpfully pointed Readability to section 11.2 of the App Store Guidelines, which requires developers to utilize Apple's payment system. The Readability team is pretty miffed, going so far as to say, "we believe that your new policy smacks of greed."
Continue reading Readability pulled from App Store, calls out Apple for its greed
Readability pulled from App Store, calls out Apple for its greed originally appeared on Download Squad on Mon, 21 Feb 2011 17:17:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Hubble's Personal Telescope Is Beautifully Vintage [Hubble]